Although many assume working on the net and reading about SEO and SEM all day is just a ball of fun; they are wrong. This is a tough industry to work in. You either keep up and know your stuff or look like a moron. Additionally, there is a TON of pressure when your clients are depending on you to increase their web visibility in bring in more sales…A lot of stress. This is a huge responsibility.
As most of you know my education is in Psychology, so a concern of mine is always the mental and physical well being of others. Mental health and physical health go hand in hand; one supports the other. So, I have a few recommendations for y’all.
Some Quick Mental Health Tips
Ok, I can’t say anything about your mental status because I don’t know you, but no matter who you are there are some things to keep in mind:
- You have to pay attention to your stress levels. Try to reduce them when possible.
- If you have anxiety caffeine is bad for you— REALLY bad for you.
- Exercise reduces your stress levels and improves your physical health….which helps reduce your stress.
Oh, and one more thing, in my masters program they discussed the amount of stress in today’s world (this was in 2000, so keep in mind how much crazier life is now). They said the people that lived in the days of Jesus would be dead in about 2 weeks in our world. Why? Well, consider mental overload- sound, music, traffic…
They said the dealing with traffic is like 10 times the amount of stress that the cave men dealt with when they encountered creatures and had the “fight or flight response“. They also said if the people in Jesus’ day come and dealt with the stress of driving and traffic and then added music to the mix the stress would kill them in 2 weeks.
You have become use to the stress, but the human body needs to be taken care of. You may be surprised how less stressful driving is when you turn the music/radio off (and how less stressed you are). Your brain needs the rest. Constant mental stimulation is not healthy for you or anyone else you love.
Also consider constant news and TV; does your TV ever get turned off? Constant sound and music really is bad for you. Your brain needs to time to cool off. Try to give your brain some quiet time.
Lastly, have you ever considered how much information your brain takes in as you scan the net? TONS! You read and keep reading while you look at your email, watch TV, listen to your IPOD and download music at the same time!
You have work, families, bills, blogs, web sites and a million other things to deal with. The brain can only take so much and when “so much” becomes too much your physical health will be reduced.
Try to Work Out When You Can and This Can Be Done Easily
Ok, I don’t have a lot of time anymore at all. I don’t even sleep more than 5 hours a night anymore, because, well kids cost money. Our family has to eat, right? The little one is starting pre-school (a friggin’ fortune), my high schooler needs PSAT prep classes, clothes and a $140 calculator…then their is gas, do I need to explain? and in Florida your home owners insurance is crazy high…It is going to be a tough 6 months. I know it isn’t just me, we all need to work.
At some point your body, and mine, needs catharsis- you can blow up on someone, kick the dog or workout hard; it is your choice. I have a few things that help me blow off steam and I am going to share them with you.
The Bowflex…I know it is expensive, but so are your yearly gym memberships that don’t get used. Buy one of these instead and workout at home when you can. When you are irritated, ticked off or just anxiety-ridden this is a great tool.
A punching bag- Sports Authority $50-100. This is another way to release stress, but I will tell you that if you are a woman that bulks easily look out. I build muscle quick and I added a bit too much muscle. However, in my opinion there is not a better workout in the world! You work nearly every muscle in your body, you get ripped and you get this high that is amazing. I miss it, but I was tired of the muscular arm comments…girls are suppose to be “dainty” you know…
Ok, ladies…this is the lateral thigh trainer.It is hard to find, but well worth the money. I do about 300-500 a day. The bonus is a tight butt, tight legs and sexy legs. This a great machine and you can do your 300-500 real fast. You can change the resistance anytime; maintaining a size 4, even when you are sitting on your butt all day looking at a computer, will not be a problem with this little machine!
My Treadmill
I have a treadmill, but as I said I bulk easily and my legs got really muscular with the treadmill, so it is used as a last resort for stress. I crank up some Metallica or Papa Roach and run like hell. Usually about a mile and a half in I start to lose my anger and I either collapse or run for the pool. Oh, and pools can be a great way to work out as well.
Did You Just Waste Your Time Reading This?
Well, I hope not. I want everyone to be healthy and happy, even my competition. More importantly your families need you; I know how much I need mine and how much they need me. So, even if you think you can handle the stress try to increase your mental and physical health for them. Lastly, keep a close eye on your stress load.
Melissa –